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How to raise a boring girlfriend utaha download free

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the rest of Blessing Software as they complete the destined galge that the group’s members have been tirelessly working on. Story: Picking off from the first season, Saekano Flat (which I will refer to as ‘Flat’ for the rest of the review) continues the story of Tomoya Aki and And so we find ourselves with the second season of Saekano, as we see the conclusion of what the doujin circle ‘Blessing Software’ has to offer. The pressure of meeting deadlines, constantly improving yourself, and ultimately making something that you want is a struggle that many artists find themselves in as they try and share with the world the vision that they have. The road for a ‘Creative’ is a long and difficult one. Thanks for reading this far, and if you just skipped to see the end, tldr it was an awesome show and you should give it a try for sure. This is not your average harem show with no plot at all, Saekano has a story and is really nicely executed. I loved the ending and overall loved the series as a whole. This show for sure raised the bar and for sure is a must watch for those who enjoyed the first season, but speaking personally, mostly near the end, this series became something that i felt growing, the caracters, their struggles and everything arround them changed in this 23 episodes. And yes this is the type of show where everyone fights about the best girl. All of the girls have interesting aspects about them and make the story was more interesting overall. The girls on the other hand, might have "cliched" personalities like the childhood friend tsundere and so on but the anime actually jokes with that a lot and that makes it really entertaning.

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That can sometimes get a bit anoying, but he is the key caracter in the story after all.

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The main caracter oh well it's your harem protagonist, has all the girls but since he is an otaku doesn't really want any of them. Nothing to complain here althought near the end there were some really good songs in the emocional moments. The sound was good throught the series, i've seen better and i've seen worse. The art in saekano was just plain fenomenal, from the ecchi parts to the emocional parts, it was totally outstanding for the harem type of show.

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Althought they sure as hell struggle a lot in the meanwhile, making the actual completition of the game a lot more rewarding in general. This story is very straightforward, you have the MC, Tomoya and his circle trying to make I liked the first season but to me it didn't seem to be anything special or worth remembering, i mean you had the best girl fight like you have in any harem show nowadays, but this second season just raised the bar so high that it kept me waiting and hoping that thursday would finally come so i could watch this show. This is the second season of Saekano and like it should it starts of after the ending of the first one.

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